
Junior Full Stack Developer

Ruby on Rails
React Native
Material UI

Gymhop was a startup that allowed users to purchase a single membership that gave unlimited access to local gyms. I've participated in developing a React Native mobile app, a React admin panel and a Ruby on Rails API that powered it all. On the front end we used customized Material UI components. We also added a Twilio integration that allowed us to implement convenient authentication via mobile phone number. One of the core features of the app was checking into a gym directly from the mobile app. And users could only do that if they were in a close proximity to a given gym. On the front end we would capture user's geolocation and run geospatial queries in our PostgreSQL database to see if users were indeed in next to a given gym. We were also in the process of implementing rewards program to encourage users to work out. Unfortunately early 2022 the startup was shut down after struggling with the aftermath of the pandemic.